

Workshop on Knowledge in Interaction





DAY 1 – 20.3.2016

DAY 2 – 21.3.2016

10h-10h15 Introduction

10h-11h15 Lorenza Mondada

Embodied Knowledge

10h15-11h30 Aug Nishizaka

Introductory Remarks;

Knowledge and Emotion

11h30-12h45 Jonas Ivarsson

Person Reference and Professional Knowledge

11h45-13h00 Keiichi Yamada

What is Wittgenstein’s view of knowledge?

12h45-14h LUNCH

13h00-14h15 LUNCH

14h-15h15 Satomi Kuroshima

Practical knowledge for recognizing the anatomical relationship in surgical operations

14h15-15h30 Oskar Lindwall

Knowledge and Action Formation

15h30-16h45 Christian Greiffenhagen

Mathematical Proofs as Sequential Objects

15h45-17h Kaoru Hayano

Making epistemic claims in interaction

16h45-17h Conclusion