The Complete List of Publications

June 7, 2016

(All but those marked with * are written in Japanese)

Publications - Books & Edited Volumes

  1. 1997. Sogo-koi Bunseki toiu Shiten: Bunka to Kokoro no Shakaigaku-teki Kijutsu (From the Interaction Analytic Point of View: Sociological Descriptions of Culture and Mind). Tokyo: Kaneko Shobo.
  2. 1997. (K. Yamazaki & A. Nishizaka, Eds.), Kataru Shintai Miru Shintai (Talking Bodies/Seeing Bodies). Tokyo: Habesto Sha.
  3. 1998. (H. Yoshii, H. Yamada & A. Nishizaka, Eds.), Kaiwa Bunseki heno Shotai (An Introduction to Conversation Analysis). Tokyo: Sekai Shiso Sha.
  4. 2000. (N. Ueno & A. Nishizaka), Intarakushon: Jinko-Chino to Kokoro (Interaction: Artificial Intelligence and Mind). Tokyo: Taishukan Shoten.
  5. 2001. Kokoro to Koi: Esunomesodoroji no Shiten (Mind and Activity: From an Ethnomethodological Point of View). Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten.
  6. 2008. (A. Nishizaka, T. Tomoyo & M. Kawashima) Jose-Iryo no Kaiwa-Bunseki (Conversation Analysis of Women's Medicine). Tokyo: Bunka-Shobo Hankubun-Sha.
  7. 2008. Bunsan Suru Shintai: Esunomesodoroji-teki Sogo-koi Bunseki no Tenkai (Distributed Bodies: An Essay in Ethnomethodological Interaction Analysis). Tokyo: Keiso-Shobo.

Publications - Journal Articles and Chapters in Edited Volumes

  1. 1984. Ronriteki ni 'okonau' koto (Doing being logical). The Annuals of Sociology 25: 215-230.
  2. 1985. Imi, koi, koi no rensa: Habermas-Luhmann ronso eno ichi shiza (Meaning, action and action-sequence: On Habermas-Luhmann Dispute). Japanese Sociological Review 165: 85-99.
  3. 1986. Doshite sabetsutekini furumaeruno ka (Doing being discriminatory). The Annuals of Sociology 27: 59-74.
  4. 1987. Fuhen goyoron no shuen: Hatsuwa koiron to Habermas (Margins of universal pragmatics: Speech acts theory and Habermas' theory of communicative action). In Y. Fujiwara, K. Mishima and T. Kimae (eds.), Habermas to Gendai (Habermas and Modernity), pp. 161-181. Tokyo: Shinhyoron.
  5. 1987. Gohosei shinko no shotai (How is the belief in legality possible?). Bulletin of the Graduate School of Literature of Waseda University, Special Issue 14: 73-85.
  6. 1988. Koi dekigoto no sogokoiteki kose (The interactive construction of action). Japanese Sociological Review 154: 2-18.
  7. 1988. Hikoshiki kenryoku (Informal power). Sociological Theory and Methods 3-2: 49-68.
  8. 1989. Koi no setsume (Explaining action). The Meiji Gakuin Review 443: 41-78.
  9. 1990. Shinri ryoho no shakai chitsujo I: Serapi wa ikanishite serapi ni tsukuri agerarete iku ka (Social order in psychotherapy 1: The interactive accomplishment of therapy). Kenkyuusho Nenpo (The Annuals of Sociology and Social Welfare) 20: 1-24.
  10. 1990. Komyunikeshon no paradokusu (The paradox of communication). In T. Hijikata (ed.), Luhmann: Kitarubeki Chi (Luhmann: The Shape of Knowledge to Come), pp. 61-87. Tokyo: Keso Shobo.
  11. 1990. Kommunio sankutorumu: Shukyo ni tsuite (Communio sanctorum: On religion). In T. Hijikata (ed.) Luhmann: Kitarubeki Chi (Luhmann: The Shape of Knowledge to Come), pp. 88-113. Tokyo: Keso Shobo.
  12. 1991. Hitorigoto to 'nagaragoto': Shinri ryoho no shakai chitsujo II (Self-talk and side-talk: Social order in psychotherapy 2). The Meiji Gakuin Review 474: 1-25.
  13. *1992. The use of 'power': The discursive organization of powerfulness. Human Studies 15: 129-144.
  14. 1992. Esunomesodorojisuto wa doiuwakede kaiwa bunseki o okonauyoni nattaka (How did ethnomethodologists start conversation analysis?). In H. Yoshii (ed.), Esunomesodorojii no Genjitsu (The Reality of Ethnomethodology), pp. 23-45. Kyoto: Sekai Shiso Sha.
  15. 1992. [Short and revised version of 1991a] Jiyu no shakaiteki kose (The social construction of freedom). Sociology of Law 44: 81-86.
  16. 1992. Sanyo furemu no shintaiteki soshikika (Participation frame as an arragement of bodies). Japanese Sociological Review 169: 58-73.
  17. 1993. Yaritori no naka no aimaisa (Ambiguities in interaction). Gengo (Language) 22-3: 54-61.
  18. 1993. Ibunkase no shakaiteki kose: Tatoeba nihonjin wa do yatte nihonjin to natte ikunoka (The social construction of interculturality: How to be a Japanese with words). The Meiji Gakuin Review 514: 223-249.
  19. 1993. Jissen no naka no rinen: "Purotesutantizumu no rinri to shihonsugi no seshin" wa dokomade shakaigaku no mohan tariuru ka (Ideas in practice: How far is "die protestantishe Ethik und der Geist des Kapitalismus" a paradigm for sociology?). In Y.Sato (ed.), Kiki to Saise no Shakai Riron (Social Theories in Crisis and Reconstruction), pp. 55-74. Tokyo: Maruju Sha.
  20. *1993. Religious faith as a communicative practice: Niklas Luhmann's theory of religion and the discursive accomplishment of indeterminability. International Jounrnal of Japanese Sociology 2: 65-78.
  21. 1994. Chokusetsu chikaku, ronri-bunpo, shintai no haichi: Mirukoto no sogokoi teki kose (Direct perception, logical grammar and arrangements of bodies: The interactive constitution of seeing). Gendai Shiso (The Contemporary Thought) 22-12: 306-316.
  22. 1995. Kanrense riron no genkai (Relevance Theory cannot explain relevance as a social phenomnon). Gengo (Language) 24-4: 64-71.
  23. 1995. Kaiwa o firudo ni shita otoko: Sacks no aidea (A field worker of conversation: Sacks' ideas. Gengo (Language), Vol. 24, No. 7-12 (A six issues series).
  24. 1995. Kokoro no tomeisei to futomeisei: Genmitsuna gaku toshiteno kaiwa bunseki (The transparency and opacity of mind: The scope of analysis of talk-in-interaction). Japanese Sociological Review 182: 2-17.
  25. *1995. The interactive constitution of interculturality: How to be a Japanese with words. Human Studies 18: 301-326.
  26. 1996. Taiwa no shakai soshiki (The social organization of dialogues). Gengo (Language) 25-1: 40-47.
  27. 1996. Shakai gensho toshiteno gengo-kigo: Futatabi ibunkakan komyunikeshon nitsuite (On achieving linguistic expressions being signs: A perspective on intercultural communication). The Meiji Gakuin Review 574: 21-67.
  28. 1996. Esunimesodoroji toiu giho (The art of ethnomethodology). In N. Kurita (ed.), Mesoddo Shakaigaku: Shakai o Sokutesuru (Methods of Sociology: Measuring Society), pp.61-78. Tokyo: Kawashima Shoten.
  29. 1996. Sogokoi no nakano hi-taishose (Asymmetry within interaction). In M. Osawa (ed.), Gendai Shakaigaku (Contemporary Sociology), Vol. 16, Kenryoku to Shihai no Shakai-gaku (Sociology of Power and Domination), pp. 47-66. Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten.
  30. 1996. Shizen na jinkobutsu (Natural artifacts). Ninchi Kagaku (Cognitive Sciences) 3-2: 50-61.
  31. 1996. Sabetsu no goho: 'Mondai' no sogokoiteki tasse (Discrimination in discursive practices: The interactive constitution of 'problems'). In A. Kurihara (ed.), Sabetsu no Shakaigaku (Sociology of Discrimination), Vol. 1, Sabetsu no Riron (Theoretical Approaches to Discrimination), pp.61-76. Tokyo: Kobundo.
  32. 1997. Puroguramu intaakushon rifurekushiviti: Suchman to Winograd no ronso ni yosete (Programs, interaction and reflexivity). The Meiji Gakuin Review 593: 167-194.
  33. 1997. Kaiwa bunseki ni naniga dekiruka: 'Shakai chitsujo no mondai' wo megutte (What can conversation analysis can do: On the 'problem of social order'). Takashi Okumura (ed.) Shakaigaku ni Naniga Dekiruka (What can sociology do), pp. 115-154. Tokyo: Yachiyo Shuppan.
  34. 1997. Chitsujo wa itsudatsu suru: Shakai shisutem wa donna shisutemu ka (Deviant orders: What kind of system are social systems?). Daikokai 16: 140-146.
  35. 1997. Kataru shintai miru shintai (Talking bodies/seeing bodies). In K. Yamazaki and A. Nishizaka (eds.), Kataru Shintai Miru Shintai (Talking Bodies/Seeing Bodies), pp. 3-29. Tokyo: Habesto Sha.
  36. 1997. Kan-shintaiteki kankee toshiteno mono-goto (Things/states of affairs as intercorporal relations). In Y. Moro (ed.), Chi to Taiwa (Knowledge and Dialogue), pp. 79-100. Tokyo: Shinyo Sha.
  37. 1998. Gainen bunseki to esunomesodorogi (Conceptual analysis and ethnomethodology). In T. Yamada and H. Yoshii (eds.), Esunomesodorogi no Sozoryoku (Ethnomethodological Imaginations), pp. 204-223. Tokyo: Serika Shobo.
  38. 1999. Kaiwa bunseki no renshu: Sogokoi no shigen toshiteno iiyodomi (An exercise in conversation analysis). In H. Yoshii, H. Yamada and A. Nishizaka (eds.), Kaiwa Bunseki heno Shotai (An Introduction to Conversation Analysis), pp. 71-100. Tokyo: Sekai Shiso Sha.
  39. *1999. Doing interpreting within interaction: The interactive accomplishment of a 'henna gaijin' or 'strange foreigner'. Human Studies 22: 235-251.
  40. 2000. Garfinkel no esunomesodoroji puroguramu (Garfinkel and ethnomethodolgy's program). Jokyo (Situation) 11(7): 38-50.
  41. *2000. Seeing what one sees: Perception, emotion and activity. Mind, Culture and Activity 7: 105-123.
  42. *2000. The neglected situation of vision in experimental psychology. Theory & Psychology 10: 579-604.
  43. 2000. Hitotsu no shakai kagaku no kangaekata: Keikenteki deta o mochiita gainen buseki toshiteno sogokoi bunseki (The Idea of a Social Science: Interaction Analysis as Conceptual Analysis with Empirical Data). Sociological Theory and Methods 15 (1): 61-74.
  44. 2000. Sogo-koi no nakano ninshiki (The management and achievement of recognition within interaction). Bunka to Shakai (Culture & Society) 2: 149-175.
  45. 2001. Shin-teki imeeji wa dono kurai shin-teki ka? (How mental are mental images?). In J. Adachi, T. Watanabe, H. Tsukimoto and M. Ishikawa (eds.), Kokoro towa Nanika? (What is the Mental?), pp. 244-270. Kyoto: Kita-Ooji Shoboo.
  46. 2001. Suryoka no jissen: "Yoi" kiroku no soshikijo no "yoi" riyu (Practices of quantification: "Good" organizational reasons for "good" records). In Mamoru Funatsu (ed.), Amerika Shakaigaku no Choryu (Trends in American Sociology), pp. 233-256. Tokyo: Koseisha-Koseikaku.
  47. 2001. Shikaku no "mushisareta jokyo" (The "neglected situation" of vision). In N. Ueno (ed.), Jokyo no Intafesu (Situated Interface). Tokyo: Kaneko-Shobo.
  48. *2003. Imagination in action. Theory & Psychology 13: 177-207.
  49. 2003. Sogo-koi toshiteno denbun (Hearsay in interaction). Gengo (Language) 32 (7): 62-67.
  50. 2004 Denwa no kaiwa bunseki: nihongo no denwa no kaishi (Conversation Analysis of telephone conversation: Opening sequences in Japanese telephone conversation). In Keichi Yamazaki (ed.), Jissen Esunomesodoroji Nyumon (Practical Introduction to Ethnomethodology), pp. 113-129fs. Tokyo: Yuhi-Kaku.
  51. 2005 Bunsan suru bun: sogo-koi toshite no bunpo (Dispersed sentences: "grammar" as interaction). Gengo (Language) 34(4): 40-47.
  52. 2005. Goku no haichi to koi no rensa (Word placement and action sequencing). In Yasuhiro Katagiri and Kuniyoshi Kataoka (eds.), Koza Shakai-Gengo-Gaku 6 Kan: Shakai/Kodo Shisutemu (Social/Behaivioral Systems, Sociolinguistic Series Vol. 6), pp. 176-201. Tokyo: Hitsuji-Shobo.
  53. 2005. Fukusuu no hatsuwa junban ni matagaru bun no kochiku (Sentence constructions over more than one turn at talk in conversation). In Shuya Kushida, Toshiyuki Sadanobu and Yasuharu Den (eds.), Bun to Hatsuwa (Sentences and Utterances), pp. 63-90. Tokyo: Hitsuji-Shobo.
  54. 2006. Kankei no naka no denwa/denwa no naka no kankei (Telephone in a relation/a relation in telephone). In Keichi Yamazaki (ed.), Mobairu Komyunikeishon (Mobile Communication), pp. 113-129. Tokyo: Taishukan-Shoten.
  55. 2007. (Aug Nishizaka & Michie Kawashima) Aimaisa no nai shitsumon o okonau koto: Sogo-koi no nakano joho-shusu (Asking unambiguous questions: Gathering information in interaction). In Koichi Tanaka & Masahiro Ogino (eds.), Shakai-Chosa to Kenryoku (Social Research and Power), pp. 115-137. Kyoto: Sekaishiso-Sha.
  56. *2006. What to learn: The embodied structure of the environment. Research on Language and Social Interaction 39 (2): 119-154.
  57. *2007. Hand touching hand: Referential practice at a Japanese midwife house. Human Studies 30 (3): 119-217.
  58. 2008. Kokoro no shakai ronri: esunomesodoroji teki sogo koi bunseki (The social logic of mind: Ethnomethodological interaction analysis). In Nobumoto Tajima (ed.), Asakura Shinrigaku Koza, Vol. 11: Bunka Shinrigaku (Cultural Psychology), pp. 186-200. Tokyo: Asakura-Shoten.
  59. 2008. Hatsugen junban nai ni oite bunsan suru bun (Dispersed sentences within a turn at talk). Shakaigengo Kagaku (Japanese Journal of Language in Society) 10 (2): 83-95.
  60. 2008 Koi-rensa no naka no dogu-shiyo: Cho-onpa kensa ni okeru sashi-shimeshi no jissen (The use of a tool in action sequencing: Referential practices in ultrasound examinations). The Proceedings of Japanese Cognitive Linguistics Association 8: 532-544.
  61. 2009 Katsudo no kukan-teki oyobi rensa-teki na soshiki: Hanashite to kikite no sogo-koi saiko (The spatial and sequential organization of activity: Rethinking interaction between speakers and hearers). Ninchi Kagaku (Cognitive Sciences) 16-1: 65-77.
  62. 2010. Dogu wo tsukau koto: Shintai, kankyo, sogo-koi (Using tools: The body, the environment and interaction). In H. Yoshii and S. Kushida (eds.), Esunomesodoroji wo manabu hito no tame ni (For the beginners of ethnomethodology), pp. 36-57. Kyoto: Sekai-Shiso Sha.
  63. *2010. Self-initiated problem presentation in prenatal checkups: Its placement and construction. Research on Language and Social Interaction 43(3): 283-313.
  64. *2011. Touch without vision: Referential practice in a non-technological environment. Journal of Pragmatics 43: 504-520.
  65. *2011. The embodied organization of a real-time fetus: The visible and the invisible in prenatal ultrasound examinations. Social Study of Science 41(3): 309-336.
  66. 2011. Sintaika sareta chikaku: Shussho-mae cho-onpa kensa no sogo-koi soshiki no ichi sokumen [Embodied perception: An aspect of the interactional organization of prenatal ultrasound examinations. Annual Review of Sociology 24.
  67. *2011. The interactive constitution of interculturality: How to be a Japanese with words. Reprinted in Zhu Hua (Ed.), The Language and Intercultural Communication Reader, Chapter 17. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
  68. *2011. What to learn: The embodied structure of the environment. Reprinted in Michael Lynch and Wes Sharrock (Eds.), Ethnomethodology, Volume 4. London: Sage.
  69. *2011. 'Essere amici' nella conversazione telefonica giapponese. (Translated by Enrico Caniglia) Quaderni di Teoria Sociale, 11: 193-214.
  70. *2011. Response expansion as a practice for raising a concern during regular prenatal checkups. Communication & Medicine 8(3): 247-259.
  71. *2012. Doing 'being friends' in Japanese telphone convesations. In H. Nasu and Frances C. Waksler (Eds.), Interaction and Everyday Life: Phenomenological and Ethnomethodological Essays in Honor of George Psathas, pp. 297-315. Lexinton Books.
  72. *2013. Distribution of visual orientations in prenatal ultrasound examinations: When the healthcare provider looks. Journal of Pragmatics, 51: 68-86.
  73. *2013. The embodied organization of a real-time fetus: The visible and the invisible in prenatal ultrasound examinations. Reprinted in Paul Drew & John Heritage (eds.), Contemporary Studies in Conversation Analysis, Vol. 4. Sage.
  74. *2014. Sustained orientation to one activity in multiactivity during prenatal ultrasoud examinations. In Pentti Haddington, Tiina Keisanen, Lorenza Mondada and Maurice Nevile (eds.), Multiactivity in Social Interaction: Beyond Multitasking. Amsterdam: Jon Benjamins.
  75. *2014. Instructed perception in prenatal ultrasound examinations. Discours Studies 16(2): 213-242.
  76. *2015. (Aug Nishizaka & Masafumi Sunaga) Conversing while massaging: Multidimensional asymmetries of multiple activities in interaction. Research on Language and Social Interaction, 48(2): 200-229.
  77. *2015. (Aug Nishizaka & Kaoru Hayano) Conversational preference. In Tracy, K., Ilie, C. & Sandel, T. (eds.) (2015). The International Encyclopedia of Language and Social Interaction. Boston: John Wiley & Sons.
  78. *2015. (Aug Nishizaka & Kaoru Hayano) Turn-taking. In Tracy, K., Ilie, C. & Sandel, T. (eds.) (2015). The International Encyclopedia of Language and Social Interaction. Boston: John Wiley & Sons.
  79. *2015. Facts and normative connections: Two different worldviews. Research on Language and Social Interaction, 48(1): 26-31.
  80. 2015. Sogo-koi ni okeru kotoba no yaritori: Tekigo-hairetsu, yusen-kanke, kyokan [Talk-in-interaction: Alignment, preference, and affiliation. Shink suru hito to kikai no onse komyunikeshon [Evolving verbal communication between machines and human beings], NTS, pp. 19-30D
  81. *2016. Syntactical constructions and tactile orientations: Procedural utterances and procedures in massage therapy. Journal of Pragmatics, 98: 18-35.

Publications - Comments and Shorter Papers

  1. 1983. Shakaigaku to shinri (Truth in doing sociology). Bulletin of the Graduate School of Literature of Waseda University 24: 273-276.
  2. 1986. Luhmann, 'Fukuzatsusee' no kaisetsu (On Luhmann's concept of Komplexitaet). In Luhmann, Shakai Shisutem to Jikan Ron (Translation of Soziologische Aufklaerung 2), pp. 260-263. Tokyo: Shinsen Sha.
  3. 1987. Eizo to gengo (Image and language). Fukuin to Sekai (Evangel and the World) 42-13: 27-32.
  4. 1990. Na to guzo (Names and idols). Seisho to Kyokai (Bible and Church) 288: 26-27.
  5. 1993. Talcott Parsons. Bessatsu Takarajima, April 1993.
  6. 1993. Niklas Luhmann. Bessatsu Takarajima, April 1993.
  7. 1993. Jurgen Habermas. Bessatsu Takarajima, April 1993.
  8. 1993. G. H. Mead. Bessatsu Takarajima, April 1993.
  9. 1993. Erving Goffman. Bessatsu Takarajima, April 1993.
  10. 1993. Harold Garfinkel. Bessatsu Takarajima, April 1993.
  11. 1998. Ripurai: Shohyo (H. Hama 'Radikarizumu no Fukkatsu') ni kotaete (A reply to H. Hama's review on my book) The Journal of Studies in Contemporary Social Theory 8: 264-265.
  12. 1999. Shakai-mondai no katarikuchi ni tsuite: Yamanaka Ichiro Kyoju Oikawa Hiroshi Kyoju wo okurukotoba ni kaete (Ways of talking about 'social problems': On retirement of Professor Ichiro Yamanaka and Professor Hiroshi Oikawa. The Meiji Gakuin Review 624: 5-21.
  13. 2000. 'Comyunikeshon wa ikanishite kano ka' toiu toi wa dono yona toi ka (On the question, How is communication possible?. In Shakaigaku no Chi (Sociological Knowledge) 33, Tokyo: Shinshokan.
  14. 2000. Esunomesodoroji (Ethnomethodology). In M. Osawa, T. Inoguchi et al. (eds.), Seiji-Gaku Jiten (Encyclopedia of Political Sciences).
  15. 2000. Kaiwa-Bunseki (Conversation Analysis). In M. Osawa, T. Inoguchi et al. (eds.), Seiji-Gaku Jiten (Encyclopedia of Political Sciences).
  16. 2001. Taiwa (Dialogue). In Encyclopedia: Tetsugaku no Ki (A Tree of Philosophy). Tokyo: Kodan Sha.
  17. 2002. Ningen to dogu no kiso-teki kenkyu (Twards a basic study of tools in human interaction). Bulletin of Institute of Sociology and Scial Work 32: 71-77.
  18. 2003. Sanka no kozo to mono no taisho-teki seikaku (Participation structure and the objective character of things). Bulletin of Institute of Sociology and Scial Work 33: 91-101.
  19. 2003. Kaiwa Bunseki no kanose: "Gakushu" no trae-naoshi (A report of Workshop on the potential of Conversation Analysis: Reconceptualizing learning, held in the 10th annual meeting of Japanese Society for Sociolinguistic Sciences). Sociolinguistic Sciences.
  20. 2004. Mieru taisho/mienai taisho (Visible objects/invisible objects). Bulletin of Institute of Sociology and Scial Work 34: 225-237.
  21. 2004. Kaiwa bunseki (Conversation Analysis). AERA Mook Shakaigaku ga Wakaru (Understanding Sociology), pp. 95-99. Tokyo: Asahi-Shinbun-Sha.
  22. 2004. Kokoro sogo-koi shakai-gaku (Mind, interaction and sociology). Shirigaku Warudo (Psycological World), pp. 17-20.
  23. 2005. Kaiwa no naka no engi (Enactment in conversation). Bulletin of Institute of Sociology and Scial Work 35: 75-88.
  24. 2005. Miburi (Gesture). In Nihongo Kyoiku Jiten (Encyclopedia of Education of Japanese as Second Language). Tokyo: Taishukan.
  25. 2006. Hannou kika ba to renzoku shi (Reponse opportunity places and continuators). Bulletin of Institute of Sociology and Scial Work 36: 57-72.
  26. 2006. Sogo-koi toshiteno gakushu (Learning in interaction). Shoto-kyoiku Shiryo 814: 68-71.
  27. 2007. Kurikaeshi te tou koto to kurikaeshi te kotaeru koto (Questions as repetitions and answers as repetitions), Bulletin of Institute of Sociology and Scial Work 37: 133-143.
  28. 2008. Pre-pre. Gengo (Language) 37(5): 72-77.
  29. 2008. Koi-rensa no naka no keitai to jotai (Politeness in action sequencing). Bulletin of Sociology Major 31: 55-78.
  30. 2008 Esunomesodoroji ni hoko zukerareta sogo-koi bunseki: Ninpu no mondai-teji no soshiki ni tsuite (Ethnomethodologically oriented interaction analysis: On the organization of pregnant women's problem-presentation). INR (Japan) 31 (5): 44-48.
  31. 2010. Tomodachi de aru to iu koto: Kaiwa buseki no shiten kara (Being friends: From the conversation analytic point of view). Socially 18: 11-14.

Book Reviews

  1. 1989. A review of N. Luhmann, Funktion der Religion. Shuukan Dokusho Jin (Weekly Book Reviews), 4 September, 1989.
  2. 1990. A review of T. Yoshida, Jiko-Soshikise no Joho Kagaku (The Information Science of Self-Organization) and Joohoo to Jiko-Soshikisee no Riron (Theory of Information and Self-Organization). Shuukan Dokusho Jin (Weekly Book Reviews), 1 October, 1990.
  3. 1991. A review of S. Obata, Gengo Kooi toshiteno Hanketsu (Judgment as a Speech Act). Shuukan Dokusho Jin (Weekly Book Reviews), 11 November, 1991.
  4. 1992. A review of W. J. Ong, Orality and Literacy. Shuukan Ekonomisuto (Weekly Economist), 2 February, 1992.
  5. 1992. A review of T. Yoshida, Shutai to Shoyuu Koozoo no Riron (Theory of Subjects and Property Structure). Tosho Shinbun (The Book Review Press), 18 April, 1992.
  6. 1992. A review of M. Osawa, Shintai no Hikaku Shakaigaku 2 (The Comparative Sociology of the Body). Shukan Dokusho Jin (Weekly Book Reviews), 7 December, 1992.
  7. 1995. A review of K. Tominaga, Shakaigaku Koogi (Lectures on Sociology). Sankei Shinbun, 23 May, 1995.
  8. 1997. A review of M. Mita, Gendai Shakai no Riron (Theory of Contemporary Society). Shuukan Dokusho Jin (Weekly Book Reviews), 24 January, 1997.
  9. 1998. Sogo-koi no 'kano-sei no joken' ni tuite (On 'the condition of possibility' of interaction: A reviw of K. Nishihara, Imi no Shakaigaku [Sociology of Meaning]). The Journal of Studies in Contemporary Social Theory 8: 252-256.
  10. 2001. A review of M. Williams, Wittgenstein: Meaning and Mind.Shukan Dokusho Jin (Weekly Book Reviews), 27 April, 2001.
  11. 2001. A review of K. Seiyama, Kenryoku (Power), Japanese Sociological Review, 52 (1): 163-164.
  12. 2003. A review of T. Kouno, Ekorojikaru na Kokoro no Tetsugaku. (Ecological Philosophy of Mind). Shuukan Dokusho Jin (Weekly Book Reviews), 29 August, 2003.
  13. 2004. A review of J. Gumperz, Discouse Strategies. Shuukan Dokusho Jin (Weekly Book Reviews), 30 July, 2004.
  14. 2007. A review of S. Kushida, Sogo-koi Chitsujo to Kaiwa Bunseki [Interaction Order and Conversation Analysis]. Japanese Journal of Language in Society 9 (2).


  1. 1986. N. Luhmann, Fukuzatusee (Komplexitaet). In A. Hijikata (ed.) Shakai Shisutem to Jikan Ron (Soziologische Aufklaerung 2), pp. 215-260. Tokyo: Shinsen Sha.
  2. 1989. (Co-edited and co-translated with Y. Kitazawa) Nichijo-se no Kaibo-gaku (The Anatomy of Everyday Life). Tokyo: Maruju Sha. Consisting of: G. Psathas, Ethnomethodology as a new development in social sciences; H. Garfinkel, Studies of the routine grounds of everyday activities; H. Sacks, An initial investigation of the usability of conversational data for doing sociology; and E. Schegloff and H. Sacks, Opening up closing.
  3. 1991. (Co-translated with T. Shimizu, T. Kimae and T. Namihira) J. Habermas, Shakai Kagaku no Ronri ni Yosete (Zur Logik der Sozialwissenschaften). Tokyo: Kokubun Sha.
  4. 1998. J. Coulter, Kokoro no Shakaiteki Kose (The Social Construction of Mind), Tokyo: Shinyo Sha.

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